IDD Programs

IDD Programs

Community Living Options Information Process

This service provides information to people residing at the Denton State Supported Living Center that enables them and their families to make informed decisions about living options outside the State Supported Living Center. Each individual is assessed each year, and staff attend their Annual Planning Conferences to present information and provide any requested resources. The service is provided by Center staff for Denton County residents, and through Inter-local Agreements with neighboring Centers in Dallas, Tarrant, and Collin Counties.

Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR)

This service aids in ensuring that people are not inappropriately placed in nursing facilities for long term care. The Habilitation Coordinator for someone admitted to a nursing facility with an ID/DD diagnosis will conduct an assessment to determine eligibility.  Once a person enters PASRR services, their Habilitation Coordinator will meet with them every month to ensure all needed services are in place. Habilitation Coordination helps people acquire medical equipment, specialized therapies, customized wheelchairs, and other supports to allow them to maintain independence and thrive in the least restrictive environment.

General Revenue (GR)

GR funded services are primarily intended to help persons remain in their own or their family’s home. Not all GR funded services described in this section are available in all areas of the state. These services are provided by or through a LIDDA.

IDD Crisis Services

A crisis is a situation where a person’s mental or physical health is at immediate and serious risk. During a crisis, a person can be a danger to himself, herself or others. Crisis intervention specialists (CIS) train groups and providers to work with persons with IDD who are at risk of needing crisis services. The CIS helps persons access crisis respite and develop crisis prevention plans. The CIS also works with the local Mobile Crisis Outreach Team (MCOT) during crisis events. Crisis respite provides 24-hour supervision and support to a person in crisis. A person with IDD may receive up to 14 days of crisis respite.

HCS/TXHML Interest list

The LIDDA maintains the HCS/TXHML Interest list for Denton County. If you are interested in being placed on this interest list, please contact 940-565-5277.